Hello from Westfield Quality Care of Aurora.
Westfield residents have had many good performances this week. We want to thank Dolores Kimminau for performing for the residents, they love her music and always look forward to her coming to Westfield. A huge thank you to the Singspiration Singers and Music Coordinator Aldena Siebert for singing beautiful songs for the residents. The residents colored wooden hand mirrors to be donated to the Tempo Performing Arts Studio in Aurora. The residents love it when the kids perform their dance routines, and they wanted a way to tell them thank you.
For our COVID update this week there are no COVID positive residents or staff. Our facility remains open, and residents are able to participate in regular activities. Please remember to wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer often. If you have any COVID symptoms please stay home and take care of yourself, we will take good care of the residents, so you do not have to worry. I want to thank everyone that has been visiting and helping to keep our loved ones safe.
Welcome to March, it is hard to believe that spring is almost here. This is very exciting as everything will be starting to bloom and turn green. The snow geese are moving and there have been so many flocks to see, they are beautiful.
This upcoming weekend is daylight savings time so don’t forget to spring forward.
Here are some interesting facts about the month of March:
March was named for the Latin Martius—aka Mars, the Roman god of war and a mythical ancestor of the Roman people. With the winter frosts melting and the ground becoming fertile for harvest again in the Northern hemisphere, March was historically the perfect month for both farmers to resume farming, and warriors to resume warring.
If you were born in March, your birth flower is a daffodil!
Every year, March and June finish on the same day of the week.
Best regards,
Michelle Broekemier